A VET toolkit PRomoting digitization in the agriculture Industry for Sustainable farMing

With the world’s population growing constantly, it is crucial to figure out how to sustainably feed more people. This entails figuring out how to make more food with fewer resources and lower costs. This is where Agriculture 4.0 comes in; it aims to produce more food, more efficiently, by utilizing technological advancements and developments in equipment, software, and methodology in general.

Transnational Projects Meetings

Transnational Project Meetings are a crucial part of the project. The meetings are a great place to get to know your partners, be inspired by their work, and discuss the progress of the project

TPM in

Kick-off meeting
of PRISM project in Poland

TPM in

2nd Transnational Meeting of PRISM project in Malta

TPM in

3rd Transnational Meeting of PRISM project in Italy (Sicily)

TPM in
N. Macedonia

Final Meeting
of PRISM project in N.Macedonia



1. To increase the range of training abilities, skills and key competences of the VET trainers to enable them to train farmers and offer them a set of skills sorely needed by them to improve their professional skills to promote digitization in their sector (agriculture Industry) for sustainable farming. From this point of view, at the end of the course, the participants will:
– Feel more confident working with farmers and give them sufficient training in Agriculture 4.0
-Become familiar with the PRISM Beginners Guide (IO1), PRISM Case-studies (IO2), the PRISM Curriculum (IO3) and the e-Learning platform (IO4)

– Recognise the basic skills/principles applicable in Agriculture 4.0 for farmers professional development and become able to apply these principles in their trainings

2. To pilot-test the effectiveness of the developed materials against a group of trained professionals who have the ability to provide a critical view over the documentation and identify possible gaps or difficulties in its application to learners (farmers) from different countries or specialisations in the area of agriculture. Finally, it will encourage the participants to develop non-formal education materials related to topics addressed.


It will include the participation of 3 learners (farmers) from each partner country plus 5 learners at the local level, who will be trained by the already trained (C1) VET trainers. Therefore, C2 will also become a training opportunity for VET trainers because they will directly use the learning approaches, methodology, and materials previously learned (C1). This training activity will facilitate the knowledge, skills and key competences increase of the farmers on Agriculture 4.0 to be well-updated in the latest technologies and intelligence and mobile-based tools used in farming and agriculture, broadening their opportunities to redefine a sustainable sector based on Agriculture 4.0. The proposed training event aims at equipping farmers with the latest tools and resources to improve their professional life in an effective manner.

The profile of participants will be farmers that want to improve their skills and competences and to acquire sufficient knowledge on Agriculture 4.0 as a means towards sustainable farming. The training will help them to restructure and modernise their agricultural holdings and get help regarding investments in processing and marketing.

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I have seen first-hand that agricultural science has enormous potential to increase the yields of small farmers and lift them out of hunger and poverty

Bill Gates